No PTA experience is required to serve on the board or as the Chair of a Committee, nor do you need to know everything about Hawthorne Elementary. Most of us learned about the PTA and Hawthorne by attending a PTA meeting or helping at an event.

2024 - 2025 Board of Directors

Co-Presidents - Molly Judge (year 2) & Heather Koelsch (year 1)
Builds strong relationships with Hawthorne Leadership and Administration. Represents the FOH PTA to the press and at all events. Creates and brings to life FOH PTA’s Mission Statement, through their leadership. Ex officio member of all Committees, except Nominating Committee.

Vice President - Open
Supports President(s) and oversees membership and committees. May be called upon at any time to temporarily assume the place of President.

Co-Treasurers - George Dugdale (year 2) and Dana Math (year 1)
Manages budget, provides financial report at monthly meetings, writes checks, make deposits, understands the current state of fundraising activities.

Co-Secretaries - Sayuko Setvik (year 2) and Jessica Burke-Lazarus (year 1)
Keeps accurate records of the proceedings of all PTA meetings. Works with President and board to create meeting agendas. Ensures PTA compliance.

Advocacy Lead - Jonah Histler

After School Enrichment Lead - Dawn Bushnaq

Standing Committees & Roles

After School Enrichment Committee - Dawn Bushnaq,
This committee oversees all aspect of Hawthorne’s ASE program from vendor and class section, enrollment and program oversight.

Advocacy Committee - Jonah Histler,
This committee works to increase equity and opportunities within the Hawthorne community and the larger Southeast Seattle community.

Fundraising Committee – Molly Judge,
This committee organizes and manages FOH’s fundraising activities, such as the Phoenix Fund.

Communications Committee - OPEN ROLE,
This committee is responsible for FOH communication including the bi-weekly newsletter and event flyers and marketing.

Playground Committee – Liz Pisciotta,
This committee oversees playground improvements and organizes regular playground work parties.

Events Support Committee - OPEN ROLE,
This committee helps plan, organize and hold FOH and school events. Works with Communications and Fundraising committee.

Volunteer Coordinator - OPEN ROLE,
This role develops and manages the volunteer database and works with the Events Support Committee to find event volunteers.

Website Manager - OPEN ROLE

2023/2024 Board of Directors

Co-Presidents - Molly Judge & Corin Lianides
Co-Vice-Presidents - Heather Koelsch & Kelly McCarthy
Co-Treasurers - Christo de Klerk (year 2) & George Dugdale (year 1)
Secretary - Kelly Ryan (year 2) & Sayuko Setvik (year 1)
Advocacy Co-Chairs- Darla Rochelle & Effie Wardenburg
At-Large Member - Bria Knowles
At-Large Member - Darla Defrance
At-Large Member - Jen Borges Foster

2022 - 2023 Board of Directors

Presidents - Dave West & Corin Lianides
Treasurers - Emily Glass & Christo de Klerk
Secretary - Leann Gorman
Advocacy Coordinator - Katie Berman
Co-At-Large Members - Gina Kim & Amanda Ovena

2021 - 2022 Board of Directors

Presidents - Casey Arguelles Gregory & Tommy Gregory
Vice-President - Dave West
Treasurers - Ara Erickson & Emily Glass
Secretary - Corin Lianides & Leann Gorman
Co-At-Large Members - Bria Knowles (Volunteers), Aimee Loucks (Communication) & Andrew Fiore-Gartland (General)

2020 - 2021 Board of Directors

Presidents - Dana Math & Percy Allen
Vice-Presidents - Casey Arguelles Gregory & Tommy Gregory
Treasurers - Josie Clark & Ara Erickson
Secretary - Corin Lianides
Co-At-Large Members - Peter Schumacher & Gabe Sheffer

2019 - 2020 Board of Directors

Presidents - Angela Bell-Austin & Maya Arias
Vice-Presidents - Percy Allen
Treasurer - Jessica Emerson & Tanya Rolluda
Secretary - Kat Henolson

2018 - 2019 Board of Directors

Presidents - Marita Grunfeld & Behnosh Najafi
Vice-Presidents - Angela Bell-Austin
Treasurer - Maureen Merrill & Jessica Emerson
Secretary - Cherish Jackson

2017 - 2018 Board of Directors

Presidents - Telle Zeiler & Brit Porter
Vice-Presidents - Behnosh Najafi & Marita Grunfeld
Treasurer - Maureen Merrill
Secretary - Maya Arias

2016 - 2017 Board of Directors

Presidents - Rachael Caravalho & Suzy Largé
Vice-Presidents - Brit Porter
Treasurer - Josie Clark
Secretary - Cathy Laetz

2015 - 2016 Board of Directors

Presidents - Molly Laster
Vice-Presidents - Perry Parsons & Suzy Largé
Treasurer - Josie Clark
Secretary - Carol Adams

2014 - 2015 Board of Directors

President - Mary Murray
Vice-President - Molly Laster
Vicepresidenté (Spanish-speaking co-Vice President) - Marcela Serritos Aguilar
Treasurer - Iain Mourer
Assistant Treasurer - Rubén Rolón
Secretary - Karen Rosenberg
Board Member at Large - Tim Lohraff
Board Member at Large - Harold Churchill
Board Member at Large, Communications - Lindsay Zaccara

2013 - 2014 Board of Directors

President - Jen Ayers
Vice-President - Mary Murray
Treasurer - Iain Mourer
Secretary - Liz Gillespie
Board Member at Large - Dana Math