AFTER-School Enrichment (ASE) PROGRAM
The After-School Enrichment Program is a volunteer-run FOH program that provides high-quality after-school classes for Hawthorne students. Join us to learn something new and exciting this Fall!
volunteers needed!
We need 3 on-site volunteers (1 person for each day) to assist with check in/check out in the fall session! Without on-site volunteers, we cannot run ASE! Please reach out today - email enrichment@friendsofhawthorne.org for more information. On-site volunteers receive priority enrollment for their students.
See the Fall ‘24 Catalog for class descriptions, scholarship information and policies. For translation assistance, please call 206-252-7244.
At a Glance:
Session dates: October 7-December 19, 2024
Session times: 2:30pm-3:30pm (1 hr classes) or 2:30pm-4:00pm (1.5 hr classes)
Classes that fill up on registration week will be determined by lottery (Read our FAQ to learn more). Registration for classes after the lottery will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
Key dates:
Monday, Sept 16 @ 8am - Friday, Sept 20 @ 11:59pm Registration Week
Saturday, Sept 21: Spots in overenrolled classes are assigned by lottery. Families are notified of class assignments.
Sunday, Sept 22: Classes that still have openings will be open on a first-come first-served basis
By Friday, Sept 27 @ 11:59pm: Payment due to finalize enrollment
Saturday, Sept 28 @ 8am: Unclaimed spots for classes will be released on a first-come, first-served basis.
Monday, Oct 7: Classes begin
Monday, Nov 11 (Veterans Day) : No classes
Monday, Nov 25-28 (Thanksgiving/Native American Heritage Week): No classes
Thursday, Dec 19: Last week of classes
Read this Before Registering:
Classes will appear full when you register. To sign up for a class, click ‘Enter lottery.’ You will receive a confirmation email from 6crickets.
Now that you’ve entered the class lottery, sit back and relax. We’ll let you know what classes your student has got into by Saturday, Sept 21. Once notified, enrollment/payment will be due by Friday, Sept 27 through 6crickets.
Register now on 6crickets:
What is the After School Enrichment Program?
The After-School Enrichment (ASE) Program is a volunteer-run FOH program that aims to provide high-quality after-school enrichment classes for Hawthorne students. Program sessions occur in the Fall, Winter, and Spring. Each session is typically 8-10 weeks long and offers 15-20 after school classes across three afternoons (Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays). Classes are typically 60-90 minutes long and range from crafts & performing arts to STEM, sports, games and more.
Classes are led by outside vendors and family/community volunteers, who meet SPS requirements, as well as Hawthorne teachers, and students. Session schedules and class offerings are determined by the FOH After-school Enrichment Committee with input from the Hawthorne administration and community.
Why does ASE run registration as a lottery instead of a first-come, first-served system?
FOH is committed to the idea that ALL students can participate in the After-School Enrichment Program and we, therefore, strive to have a registration policy that is fair and equitable. Students who register for classes during the first week of registration (“Registration Week”) will be enrolled in classes by a lottery system if classes are over-enrolled. Students will be notified of their enrollment status within 2-3 days of the end of Registration Week. Payment and all required registration information (e.g., emergency contacts) must be received by FOH for enrollment to occur. After Registration Week, any available slots will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
How does the lottery work?
We run a random lottery, prioritizing giving each student at least one class, and taking into consideration siblings and carpools as best we can. This is a careful and time-consuming process. Once these students are invited to register for their class, they are given a period of time to do this. If they don't register by the deadline, their spots will be made available on a first-come, first-served basis.
How many classes can I sign my student up for?
You may sign up for as many classes as you like. Our goal with the lottery process is to ensure that each student gets into at least one class they want during Registration Week. After Registration Week, you may sign up for as many additional classes as you want. If you enter the lottery for multiple classes on the same day, you will be given the opportunity to rank them.
How can I access a scholarship?
FOH intends for all students to be able to participate in the After-School Enrichment program regardless of financial need. Students who are eligible for the Free and Reduced Lunch program may enroll in one class at a 50% discount. Any other students with financial need may enroll in one class at a 25% discount. To use the discount, enter the discount code at checkout: 2024FALL50 for 50% and 2024FALL25 for 25%. Only one reduced-fee class per student per session.
FOH also provides a limited number of full scholarships to students with greater need. For additional information, please contact Ms. Mak at mbmak@seattleschools.org.
What determines the cost of the class?
Costs for classes taught by outside vendors (i.e., the Provider in 6crickets is not listed as Friends of Hawthorne PTA) are set by the organization that runs the program. Classes taught by Hawthorne teachers, family/community volunteers and students are priced to cover the cost of stipends, materials, scholarships, and additional overhead. This is the base class costs. A $30 school fee is added on top of the base class cost. This covers the cost of using the registration platform (6crickets) and helps defray the cost for running the ASE program. The school fee along with a limited budget from FOH and your donations help to ensure that the program can provide scholarships to as many students as possible.
How does ASE use donations to the program?
Donations are used to fund scholarships for students who need financial assistance or would otherwise not be able to sign up for ASE classes. Donations can be made directly to the After-School Enrichment Program here (scroll down to “Make a donation to the After-School Enrichment Program”)
Are you still in need of volunteers?
Yes! It takes hundreds of volunteer hours each session to organize and run the ASE program. We are a small committee of parents and would love additional help specifically on the following (** are highest priority needs):
Join the committee that coordinates and plans ASE behind the scenes!
Class Development/Planning: 1 person, 4-8 hours/month year round. Work with the team to conceive and develop class offerings for each session. This includes working with school administration, class vendors, Hawthorne teachers, and parent/student instructors to set up classes, organize the schedule and coordinate the scholarship program.
**Communications: 1 person, 4-6 hours per month/around registration, 1-2 hours/month subsequently. Work with the team to communicate with families on all aspects of ASE (website, session catalog, email, text blasts, surveys, fundraising, and event outreach).
Registration/Session Management: 1 person, 5 hours lottery, 30 min/day for 3 weeks around registration. Work with the registration team to manage and run the registration process (lottery, waitlist management, assisting families with registration and questions), and sessions-in-progress (on-site volunteers, rosters, family questions, etc).
**On-site volunteers: Do you have 1.5-2 hours available to help run check-in and check-out one day a week (Monday, Tuesday or Thursday) during the ASE session? On-site volunteers work with school staff to make sure each class session goes smoothly and students are checked-in and checked-out safely.
ASE Instructors: Are you a teacher, family member or student interested in teaching a class? We have teams of volunteers teaching classes each session in areas such as sports, crafts, chess and environmental education. Come work with our Hawthorne kids and share your skills and hobbies!
If you’re interested in any of the above volunteer opportunities, please reach out to enrichment@friendsofhawthorne.org to learn more.