Welcome to the 2016-17 School Year!

Dear Hawthorne Family,
Welcome to the 2016-17 School Year! We are so happy that you’re joining us. We look forward to sharing a great year with you at one of Seattle’s most dynamic elementary schools.

We are Friends of Hawthorne (FOH) PTA, a volunteer group of parents, teachers, caregivers, and community members. Our mission is to support Hawthorne so it can provide the best education possible to all its students. We raise money for student activities and supplies. We work to increase parent involvement in our children’s education. We advocate for Hawthorne students by uniting our voices to make ourselves heard within the Seattle School District. We support our excellent teachers and administrators.

We invite you to join us. Fill out the attached application form (or fill it out online) and hand it into a PTA member or the school office. Please come to our meetings, find a way to volunteer, and share your voice – what to YOU want to see at our school?

Get involved. There are a million ways to get involved. Here are seven:

Working together, we are stronger. Here’s to a fantastic year!

Best Regards,
Your Friends of Hawthorne Board of Directors
Co- Presidents - Rachael Caravalho & Suzy Largé, president@friendsofhawthorne.org
Vice-President - Brit Porter vicepresident@friendsofhawthorne.org
Treasurer - Josie Clark, treasurer@friendsofhawthorne.org
Secretary – Cathy Laetz, secretary@friendsofhawthorne.org

2016-2017 Calendar in English2016-2017 Calendar in Spanish
Membership Form in English, Membership Form in Spanish

FOH Communications