Hawthorne is starting a Lego Robotics Club!
We are starting 2 Lego Robotics Clubs for Hawthorne Students!
One will meet on Mondays right after school at Hawthorne, likely 2:45pm-4:00pm. The other will meet on Saturday mornings from 10:00am-11:30am at the SE Family Services building in Columbia City. Each club will meet weekly, and build programmable lego robots. We expect kids to work in groups of 3-4, and each group will have a parent coach. If your child can join us, please register with Dave Schumacher: daveschu00@gmail.com, 206-856-9569. He'll need their name, age and guardian contact information. Also, we can use more parent volunteers! Please let Dave know if you can volunteer to be a parent coach. You would need to be present for club meetings, and run through the project once before the each club meeting. Children of parents who are volunteering will get priority, and then we will take the first 20 kids who register for each club. After that we'll form a waitlist. We are planning to officially kick off in January, but we may have some casual sessions in December. These kits look like a lot of fun!
Please reach out to Dave Schumacher with any questions.
Find more info on the Hawthorne Lego Robotics Page.