E-NEWS: Gratitude For Our Community!
Get the latest news about what’s happening in the Hawthorne community in our November 2019 e-newsletter, including:
A letter from PTA co-presidents.
A Thank-you to our playground champions.
A community workshop on undoing racism and teaching equity
Save the Date: Wild for Hawthorne Auction, March 7, 2020!
Holiday shopping at Third Place Books to benefit Hawthorne.
Upcoming events.
Read the full e-newsletter
October 2019 e-newsletter recapping the many ways the Hawthorne community stepped up in the first month-and-a-half of school, including our 6th annual Walkathon and the grand opening of phase 1 of the playground.
September 2019 e-newsletter welcoming families to the new school year, with info about after-school enrichment, an update on the transformation of our playground, and more.