No need to get school supplies!


We hope you and your kids are having a fantastic summer. We want to remind you that there’s no need to go shopping for school supplies! For the third year in a row, Friends of Hawthorne has purchased all supplies for all classrooms in all grades.

We need your help to sustain this effort from year to year.

It costs about $40 per student to provide all the pencils, pens, paper and many other supplies teachers and students need. Please give what you can. Smaller and larger contributions are welcome.

If you choose to give online, you can make your gift by clicking the “Please Give to Our School Supplies Fund Today” link on our school supplies page.


You can also drop off a check made out to Friends of Hawthorne in the office or at the Back to School BBQ on Friday, September 6, 2019 at 5:30-7 p.m.

Thanks for your support!

FOH Communications