Incoming 21/22 Kindergarten Popsicle Social - in lieu of Jump Start
**Hawthorne Jump Start - update**
We will be having a Popsicle Social/Meet-n-Greet this summer, our Jump Start alternative event, on Thursday, 8/19/21, 4:00-6:00 pm.
This will be the first opportunity to meet your teacher, other school staff, pick up tech and supplies and socialize with other kinders and their families. In addition to this event, all of our new kinders and families will have a 1:1 conference with their teacher, giving them opportunity to explore their classroom, desk, cubby and check out the school. These family conferences will be held 9/1 – 9/3, with additional limited opportunity on 9/7 and 9/8. Teachers will be calling to introduce themselves and schedule conferences in early August. The first day of kindergarten is Thursday, September 9th.
If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Stephanie Rutledge,, Hawthorne Office, 206-252-7210. Have a great summer!