School Supplies List and School Supply Distribution Events
As we are gearing up to head back into Hawthorne, we wanted to make sure you were aware of a change this start of school year - families are responsible for providing students school supplies!
For the first day of school (Grades 1-5, Sept. 6 and Kindergarten, Sept. 11), please have students bring the supplies listed in the link below.
We understand this is a big change from how Hawthorne and FOH has managed student school supplies in past years and we have accounted for that. If purchasing supplies is a hardship, please contact your child’s teacher or Ms. Flavors and assistance will be happily provided.
There are few Back to School Supply Events that are happening this weekend and next week - one at the UW-Othello campus (Sunday 8/27)and one at the Smilow Rainier Vista Boys and Girls Club (Saturday 9/2).