Meeting Minutes - December 12, 2017
Friends of Hawthorne (FOH) Meeting Minutes
December 12, 2017
6:00-7:30 PM, Hawthorne Library
Notes: Maya Arias
Attendees: Brit Porter (co-president), Telle Zeiler (co-president), Marita Grunfeld (co-vice president), Maureen Merrill (treasurer), Maya Arias (Secretary), and others.
Brit began the meeting and welcomed all attendees.
Vote on Last Meeting’s Minutes:
Molly moved to vote on the last meeting’s minutes.
Brit seconded.
Motion passed unanimously.
Playground Update: Peter Schumacher reported that Hawthorne hired the Pomegranate Center as a design consultant. The plan is to break ground next year. Parents and the Hawthorne community may contribute to the design process at future playground meetings in February and March. Steering group meetings will occur before each community meeting. Exact dates and times of these meetings are yet to be decided and confirmed. The first community meeting will be to welcome all ideas, the second to prioritize, and the third to refine. He is looking for volunteers to be on the Convening Group and provided a handout of the job description. Pete is also seeking out a volunteer to work with the graphic designer. Ms Hunter and Mr Simmons are teacher liaisons for this project. Kristin Young volunteered to reach out for matching seed funding and other public funds. Pete distributed a Hawthorne Playground Timeline and concluded that the project will likely take 3 years from start until completion.
Auction: Brit requested the need for a photographer for the auction. Also needed are a couple more volunteers for day of and night of duties. Tammy Gianacos volunteered for tech setup. The auction is March 10, 2018.
Overview of Budget: Maureen reported that due to an excess in the budget tier two has been fully funded. The printed 2017-2018 item budget was distributed. Naomi Cooper offerered to relinquish funds for the garden and the day of service and have those allocated to other needs. Also, an Emerging Needs handout was distributed which detailed the need for family support ($500), i-read for K classrooms ($400). To be prepared for other emerging needs we deferred to fund: the motorized stage ($5,000), day of service ($300), banner/cloth ($702), garden ($1,000). And put those dollars towards family services ($2,000), and the playground ($4,000).
Wayne motioned to fund Family services $2,000.
Molly seconded.
Motion Passed unanimously.
Brit motioned to defer funding of the Stage ($5,000), Banner ($702), Day of Service ($300), and Garden ($1,000) and put those funds towards more immediate needs.
Katie seconded.
Motion passed unanimously
Raise the Paddle Recipient: proceeds from Raise the Paddle will go towards Hawthorne’s STEAM program.
Meeting adjourned.