Meeting Minutes - March 6, 2018

Friends of Hawthorne (FOH) Meeting Minutes
March 6, 2018
6:00-7:30 PM, Hawthorne Library
Notes: Maya Arias

Attendees: Brit Porter (co-president), Telle Zeiler (co-president), Marita Grunfeld (co-vice president), Maureen Merrill (treasurer), Maya Arias (Secretary), and others.

Brit began the meeting and welcomed all attendees.

Director, Kris Mason, from the Seattle Children’s Choir gave a presentation regarding a new choir program at Mt Baker Park Presbyterian Church. The first practice is March 21, 2018. She brought flyers which Brit will include in the Backpack mail.


Vote on Last Meeting’s Minutes:

Brit moved to vote on the last meeting’s minutes.

Marita seconded.

Motion passed unanimously.


Teacher Appreciation Week:

Angela Bell-Austin outlined her ideas for Teacher Appreciation Week. Monday-Breakfast Pancakes. Tuesday-Drinks. Wednesday-Lunch. Thursday-Snacks. Friday-desserts. No budget requests have been made at this time.


Reallocation of Emerging Needs Funds for Door Security:

Maureen proposed we meet the schools ask for $1,000.00 for the kitchen door and the parking lot door to be secured.

Wayne moved to approve these funds

Maya seconded

Motion passed unanimously


Health and Fitness Night:

Ms. Mak reported that that with support from Molina Health we will be holding a Health and Fitness Night April 26th, 2018. Kelly Chavez is the parent contact taking the lead on this endeavor. She is still looking for community vendors to set up booths and provide raffle prizes. Peter Schumacher offered to set up a playground design booth.


Nominating Committee:

Brit reported that we need to form a nominating committee. She will reach out to Rachael, Susie, and Molly to gauge their interest in being part of the committee.


SBA Assessment:

Ms. Mak reported about a few changes with the SBAC. One being the pause (lunch) means that that portion is complete and the student may not return to previous pages. Smarter Balance is the math portion and assesses grades 3rd-8th. WCAS 5th grade students are required to take the science portion, but it can be completed over several days. IEP students are not exempt from the SBAC. The results are sent to OSPI.