Meeting Minutes - May 15, 2018
May 15, 2018
6:00-7:30 PM, Hawthorne Library
Notes: Maya Arias
Attendees: Brit Porter (co-president), Telle Zeiler (co-president), Marita Grunfeld (co-vice president), Maureen Merrill (treasurer), Maya Arias (Secretary), and others.
Brit began the meeting and welcomed all attendees.
Vote on Last Meeting’s Minutes:
Marita moved to vote on the last meeting’s minutes.
Brit seconded.
Motion passed unanimously.
Playground Design Update:
Peter Schumacher announced the concept plan will be approved this week. The estimated total cost is 1.1 Million. Possible ways to reduce the cost is to use donated materials and access community partners such as Tilth and the Seattle Audubon Society. In total it will take 3 phases and 3 years start to finish. Phase 1 will be 250K and 50K is still needed.
Liz Gillespie suggested we consider hiring a fund-raising strategist that can consult with the playground design group about sponsorship and major gifts, she will get back to FOH regarding the cost to hire a strategist. Maureen mentioned that 8K has been allocated in the budget for playground design which could go towards hiring a fund-raising strategist. Peter is assembling a playground fundraising group, which will discuss capital campaign needs and explore the possibility and cost of hiring a consultant to lead the campaign.
Peter reported that an outside marketing team has donated their skills for logo development, signage, and website development.
Vote on 2018-2019 Budget:
Maureen reported that Tier II of the budget should be funded barring any emergency reallocations.
Tier III will be allocated come September.
Ms Mak has requested an additional $2,500. Suzy moved to vote, Brit seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
Brit requested an additional $1,500 for Disney in Schools. Maureen added it to Tier III and will revisit this request in September.
Liz requested 5K for emerging needs. Maureen added 5K to Tier II and another 5K to Tier III which will be revisited for approval in September.
Teacher Appreciation Week:
Angela Bell Austin reported that teacher appreciation week was a success.
School Supplies Update:
Brit is gathering information from the Music, and K ,1, 3 teachers. Ms. Joyce is reaching out to grades 4 and 5 teachers. Angela is reaching out to grade 2. The plan is to place a bulk order in July. To those financially able FOH will request $40/student via Flyers, face to face, and social media.
2018 Auction Report Out:
Suzy presented the Summary of the 2018 Auction and provided a handout with information regarding: Attendance, Silent Auction Items, Live Auction Items, Raise the Paddle, Sellable Items, Ticket Sales, and Costs. Gross Income was $101,060, costs 12,500 to host, $3,500 in credit card fees which results in the Auction raising a total of $85,060.
Plans for Seeding Committee Leads for Next Year:
Telle presented on behalf of Josie Clark, who could not make the meeting, regarding streamlining our processes for engaging with community businesses and the importance of early identification volunteers of project leads. Looking for leads for the following: Sponsorship Coordinator, Monthly Giving Club Coordinator (Shannon Lee), Auction Chair, Little Green Light (Julie), Communications Lead (Liz Gillespie), Website Manager (Wayne Rennick).
Meeting Adjourned