Meeting Minutes - June 5, 2018
June 5th, 2018
6:00-7:30 PM, Hawthorne Cafeteria
Notes: Maya Arias
Attendees: Brit Porter (co-president), Telle Zeiler (co-president), Behnosh Najafi (co-vice president), Marita Grunfeld (co-vice president), Maureen Merrill (treasurer), Maya Arias (Secretary), and others.
Brit began the meeting and welcomed all attendees.
Vote on Last Meeting’s Minutes:
Telle moved to vote on the last meeting’s minutes.
Liz seconded.
Motion passed unanimously.
School Dance Update:
Maya reported about the Family upcoming family dance on 6/9 5:30-7:00. Volunteers have been assembled and will arrive at 5:00. Launch has been notified about needing the gym at 4:45 so the DJ can set up. Flyers went out in backpack mail. Ms. Mak is sending out a robocall and text on 6/8 to remind parents.
Staff Photos:
Angela Bell Austin has coordinated with a photographer, Amy Chapman, to take portraits of the entire staff at Hawthorne on a date TBD in August.
Grade Up Meet and Greet:
Angela reported that her Meet and Greet idea was approved by staff for June 2019. Students, and their parents, will meet with their future teachers for the following 2019-2020 school year at an FOH sponsored event.
Playground Design Update:
Telle reported on behalf of Peter Schumacher that SPS approved the master plan. From Peter’s email:
SPS has finally approved our Master Plan! Yay! I'll be sharing the final revised plan with the community shortly, along with the the plans for phased build out, starting with community planting and build days start in the fall, then breaking ground on the SW corner of the playground — the new natural play area in Spring 2019.
We will be applying for 2 large grants for funding of phase 1 construction this month with Seattle Department of Neighborhoods and Washington Nature Conservancy, and will be applying for additional grants in the fall. The team is looking for volunteers to assist with grant writing, so please send any ideas of parents who may be interested my way!
Update on Plans for Seeding Committee Leads for Next Year:
Brit presented on behalf of Josie Clark regarding streamlining our processes for engaging with community and early identification of volunteers and of project leads. From Josie’s email:
FOH Board: done except treasurer. If Jessica is a No, Dave Schumacher may be willing.
Communications: Liz is the vision and planner. Jenny Lloyd is open to be a writer/editor. Shannyn Lee is open to helping after the Walkathon. We could take one more enthusiastic person, but I don't think it's necessary.
Business Sponsorship: James Schute has started a business roster, and is on the team. I have 2 other nos. I still need to talk to Ara. I really want two more people to help with this. I have reached out to Carrie Evans, and not heard back. Please recruit for this! The work will be primarily in the August/September timeframe. Each person will be given a handful of businesses to coordinate with.
Volunteer Coordinators/Room Reps: Hannah and Maya have this nailed down.
Databases: handled. Jonah Hister, Julie Richards and Dave Schumacher are on this. If Dave gets pulled into treasurer, James Schute or Jenny Lloyd may be able to backfill the auction database role. Generally databasing seems like an easy thing to recruit for.
Walk A Thon lead: Shannyn Lee
Monthly Giving Club Lead: Kat Henolson?
Auction: I have reached out to the folks that I think would be a good fit from last year, and gotten nos. However, I did get an ok on being vice chair from Angela Schumacher. And Anna is willing to do procurement again. And Darlene is willing to do night of again. So I am willing to be auction chair again. I don't want to stop someone else from stepping into the role by "owning" it, but I want you guys to know that if push comes to shove, I will do it. However, we need to build a cadre of new people to run the auction, and having them join the team is the best way. Anna and Darlene will be gone after next year.
Lego Robotics: I am officially not doing this. Jenny Lloyd wants to work with Wayne, Dave and maybe Aram to make this happen.
Playground Grants: Pete was going to work on recruiting for this. I have no one. Please recruit for this!
Reflections on the Past Year:
Miscellaneous Business:
Marita reported that Ms. Liliana suggested the 4th grade parents to pay for the 5th grade graduation costs. The 4th grade teachers were not comfortable with asking their parents to do so. Marita reached out to FOH to help provide food for the graduation. Consensus is that FOH will pay for bottles of water and the pizzas, which Ms. Lilliana ordered from Costco, for the 5th grade graduation on 6/20.
Behnosh reported that the Director of Ecology at Seattle U is interested in integrating her students Senior Capstone Project with our Garden Project. She needs approval from Principal Scott.
Liz Gillespie is adding an “Ask and Answered” section to the FOH newsletter which will be debuting the 2019-2020 school year.
Meeting Adjourned